Problems & Solutions
Current major public chain value system has fundamental flaw. The public chain industry will become victim of speculation tool and will be deserted eventually if no fundamental new business model being created.
The fundamental Issue
BTC, ETH, EOS all rely on
1. producing new token
2. increasing circulation volume
3. sucking in new fiat money
4. controlling token supply by various pledging tricks
5. MLM
in order to pump up the token price.

The problem #1: Current Public Blockchain, no throughput and poor decentralization
The problem #2 : Poor security, and performance can’t support real financial services
A Complete Blockchain Solution Is Needed
1. Extremely secure
2. New levels of speed and throughput
3. Complete decentralization
4. Minimizes computing resources
5. Ultra-low Gas fee
6. Easy adopted Smart contract platform :100% compatible with Ethereum, EOS

“A True Gen3 Blockchain OS” Is the Answer
BPC - Leading performance
Target and TEST results:
1.Single shard smart contract trading, continuous TPS is 5730
2.Completely run Ethereum’s 420 million smart contract transactions from the whole Ethereum history, took BPC 20 hours (More than > 421,004,776 transactions).
3.Completely run Bitcoin’s 400 million transactions from scripts, took BPC about 15 hours.
Which means:
Bitcoin's more than 10 years of distributed accounting history can be done in a single shard by BPC within a day, with 1000 shards, can be done in 1 minute.